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"Iranian Art History of the Islamic Period"

Iran during the Islamic period has always been the carrier, inspiration and path for the development of culture and art of ancient lands in the Middle East, the Far East, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the northern half of the African continent. Many past and present developments in the field of culture and art in Islamic and even non-Islamic lands, rooted in language, literature, traditional and artificial arts, architecture, history, language, literature and rituals and beliefs in interaction with Islamic ideas. The popular culture and lifestyle of the people of Iran is Islamic. Based on this, conducting researches with a specialized approach on the history of Iranian art in the Islamic period - which has an empty place among existing scientific and research publications - in order to find the roots, recognize, evolve, explain and revive many branches of past art. And the present and its logical connection in the field of history, culture, economy and cultural heritage commonality between neighboring and distant Islamic nations is an inevitable necessity.

Studies on the history of Iranian art in the Islamic period, in addition to investigating the origins and evolution of many Iranian arts and other lands influenced by all valuable identities - some of which have been forgotten and some of which have continued to exist until now, and have an impact on art, culture and have influenced today's economy - it can play a distinguished scientific role in the direction of identification and growth of the works of artificial, visual, applied and decorative arts, architecture, urban planning, drama, music, the present and the future of this cultural, historical and geographical field and to The support of related and interdisciplinary specialized sciences, many unsaid things hidden in the heart of cultural heritage, traditional arts, native arts, artificial arts, traditional architecture, historical and archeological contexts, calligraphy and book-arrangement and ancient writings of Iran in the Islamic period and the land. Adjacent or distant areas under the influence as well as their revival for the purpose of understanding, explaining and applying new ways of living in the present and the future.

For this reason, the international publication "History of Iranian Art of the Islamic Period" is a medium for writing and publishing artistic researches in the field of Iran in the Islamic Period and other lands. Research on the background and historical evolution, content and theme, structure, materials and materials and methods of creation of various types of Iranian arts in the Islamic period, their use, protection, change and reasons, as well as the relationship of Iranian arts with wisdom, philosophy, literature and Islamic mysticism, in order to record the valuable data of the history of Iranian art in the Islamic way, provides the possibility for researchers and lovers of artistic research to analyze and benefit from the traditions of culture and art through this publication. The forgotten art and landscape in Iran during the Islamic period - which has been the basis for many fundamental changes in the attitude, creation and application of works of art in Iran and neighboring and distant lands - may be created for future generations.