Guide for Authors

Authors Guide The Journal of  History of Iranian art in the Islamic period, University of Mazandaran, is a scientific journal that is published in two issues a year. 1- General features of the article - The article should be the result of the research of the author (or authors). - The article should not have been published in another journal and should not be sent to another journal until the end of the judging. - The publication of the article is subject to the final approval of the editorial board of the magazine. Acceptance of the article for publication, after the approval of the jury, will be notified to the author. - The responsibility for the content of the article lies with the author (or authors). - The magazine is free in literary and technical editing of the article without changing its content. - The article should not exceed 20 standard pages of the journal. - The full name of the author, academic degree, university of teaching or study, field of study, e-mail and telephone number of the author should be attached on a separate page. - Sending an article is possible only through the system of the Journal of Archaeological Studies of the University of Tehran at (to do this, you must first register in the system through the "Login" option). - The titles of the tables should be given by mentioning the number above and the pictures, drawings, plans and diagrams should be mentioned by mentioning the number (description and mentioning the source) below. 2- Article components Title: The general name of the article that expresses and expresses the content of the article. Details of the author: including the name and surname of the author, academic degree, field of study, university where he teaches and studies. Abstract: A comprehensive description of the article with limited terms including problem statement, purpose, research method and research findings. It should be noted that the abstract volume of the article should be between 200 and 250 words should not be more than 250 words (10 lines). Keywords: includes three to five specialized words that are more frequent and important in the text of the article than other words. Introduction: includes the main problem and the purpose of the research; In this section, research records in the field of the issue should be briefly presented. Method of study: includes a very brief mention of the author's method in research and mention of his innovations in this field. Discussion, Conclusion and Thanksgiving: Includes the main text of the article and discussion and conclusion with a logical, useful and enlightening method of the research issue and can be accompanied by a table, image, diagram, etc. At the end of this section, the author can remind and briefly thank others for their guidance in writing the article. Footnote: If there is a necessary explanation, it will come after the result. Sources: Cataloging of article citations based on the journal style. English Abstract: The English abstract must be the exact translation of the Persian abstract. 3- How to adjust the text - The article should be written on A4 paper, with font B-Nazanin and size 13, line spacing 1.1 (single) and in word format. Also, the distance from the top and bottom of the page is 3.35 cm and from the right and left, each is 3 cm. Abstracts, keywords, sources, parentheses, poems, and anything in parentheses should be written in size 11. - At the beginning of each section, start with a half-centimeter indentation; Of course, the first line below each title should not be indented. - Direct quotations of more than three lines, separate from the original text and with one centimeter indentation on each side and written with the same font but with a size of 11. - The sections of the article start with section 1, which is dedicated to the introduction. The title of each main section and subsections should be written in bold on a white line. - The number of footnotes from the beginning to the end of the article should be sequential and excessive footnote should be avoided. - If the author or authors have used the financial resources of certain organizations or institutions in preparing the article, it should be mentioned in the footnote. 4- How to refer to resources - References in the article will be documented and based on sources, and efforts will be made to use the most authoritative sources. - Whenever there are several editions from references, the use of critical printing is the first and preferred. In the case of missing and attributed works, reference is made to the sources they have mentioned or explained. 4-1- References within the text of the article Author surname, year of publication: Number of pages or pages; Persian example: (Malek Shahmirzadi, 54: 1388) Latin: (Smith, 1999: 33) 4-2- Final reference (sources) 4-2-1- Reference to the book Author's surname or city name, author's name, date of publication (in parentheses), book name, name and surname of translator or proofreader, cover, date of publication, place of publication, name of publication (without mentioning the word "publications"). - The name of the book is written crooked (Iranian); So avoid blackening it or putting it in quotation marks. 4-2-2- Reference to the article Author's surname, author's name, date of publication of the work (in parentheses), title of the article used (in quotation marks), name and surname of the editor or translator, main title of the encyclopedia or quarterly and journal (Iranian and without mentioning the word journal), period Or year of publication, number, number of pages of the article. - The title of the article is only in quotation marks and is not skewed. 4-2-3- Reference to the dissertation Author's surname, author's name, year of defense (in parentheses), title of the dissertation, defended course, name and surname of the supervisor, name of the university and college of the student's place of study. - The name of the doctoral dissertation is skewed (Iranian) and the title of the master's thesis is placed in the quotation mark. 4-2-4- Reference to manuscripts and documents - Famous name of the author, name of the author, name of the book or manuscript or photocopy, copy number, place of storage. - In reference to historical documents, title of document, classification and access number, name of archive and for microfilms in addition to book specifications,