Aims and Scope

Objectives and policies of the publication

"Iranian Art History of the Islamic Period"

A- Necessity and importance:

Investigating and studying traditional, native, artificial, visual and applied arts, architecture, historical textures and archaeological artifacts of Iran's cultural field (including: current geography of Iran and geography of lands influenced by ancient Iranian culture and art) can be a great help in understanding The impact and influence of the cultures of this civilization area, commercial, political, religious relations, ethnic and racial displacement and migrations in the past, and on the other hand, cause convergence, strengthen the sense of solidarity and unity among these lands and their different ethnic groups. . So far, no comprehensive and integrated research has been done in different artistic fields of this vast field. Therefore, taking into account the history and fruitful artistic developments as well as the diversity of different ethnicities and races of Iran's cultural sphere (including: the lands of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Anatolia, Mesopotamia and the Indian subcontinent) and their influence on each other in this vast historical sphere. and geographically, the need to publish a scientific publication with a special focus on the lands of the cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period is a necessity worthy of attention.

B- Objectives:

Knowing the arts of the past and present and looking to the future in the cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period.
Studying the background, evolutions and changes of traditional, indigenous and national and extra-regional works of art in the historical, geographical and cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period.
Investigating cultural, commercial, religious, political relations and ethnic and racial displacements in the cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period, relying on artistic, architectural, historical and archeological works and evidence.
Strengthening the solidarity and convergence among the ethnic groups and races of the lands of the cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period by benefiting from the examples of art, architecture and archeology.
Expanding and revitalizing traditional and indigenous arts and influencing the lifestyle and modern usage among the tribes and races of the lands of the cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period.
The transfer of artistic experiences and related specialties among the lands of the cultural field of Iran during the Islamic period.

C- Background and content:

Iran's Islamic Period Art History Magazine publishes articles in the field of traditional, indigenous, artificial, visual, applied and performing arts, music and secondary arts, calligraphy and book design, painting and gilding, restoration and preservation of historical and cultural works and monuments. and historical contexts, architecture and decorations related to it, urban planning, art research, comparative studies of art and Islamic art with a focus on the lands of the cultural sphere of Iran during the Islamic period, after initial review by the editorial board, sent to the judges and their approval, to They will print.