Environmental Conditions and Native Architecture of Amol City"Case Study: Communication Network of Haraz Valley-River in the Sassanid and Early Islamic Periods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Archeology, Shahrekord University

2 Department of Archeology of Tarbiat Modares University



The ecology of the Tabarestan region has prevented the creation of a regular communication network, and the Haraz axis is one of the oldest of these communication networks, which has connected the north of Iran with the central plateau in different periods. This study tries to deal with the archaeological data of this communication network in the Sassanid era and early Islam. The research method is descriptive and analytical and an archaeological survey was carried out in the study area. The research attempts to answer this question: how can the relationship between the communication network of the Haraz River-Valley in the Sassanid and early Islamic eras be explained with the stable architectural components and archeological works of the region? The hypothesis of the research is based on the fact that the environmental conditions (impassable mountains, valleys, and rivers) and the ideas of architects and designers are the main stable components in the creation of communication networks and the distribution and typology of architectural and archaeological works of the Haraz River-Valley. The results of the study show that during the field investigation, the authors identified the architectural remains of this network in the villages of Lasem, Ira, Nava, Hare, Vana, Baijan, Aliabad, and behind the tunnel number 6 of Haraz road, which is mainly located in the mountainous part and no sign of this road was detected in the plains and forest areas; the reason lies in the role of the geographical background of the investigated area because the mountainous areas of Amol created difficulties for the Sassanid architects, which caused them to be artistic. Also, the analysis of data shows the close relationship of communication networks with the typology and distribution of ancient artifacts in the region, and these relationships show the importance of communication networks.
