The Influence of Religious Beliefs on Turkmen Jewelry Arrays

Document Type : Original Article


1 Handicrafts and Research in Art Department, University of Mazandaran

2 Master of Islamic Art, Islamic Art University of Tabriz



Many patterns and designs of Turkmen jewelry have been influenced by the religious beliefs of people in different rural, nomadic, and urban Turkmen areas. Many Islamic ideas and beliefs, totemism, and other rituals are hidden in the hearts of all kinds of arrays of Turkmen jewelry to reveal to those who know or discover the secrets through signs and symbols. The diversity of beliefs and totems in the Turkmen people has caused many types of patterns to be created and preserved for different uses in Turkmen’s jewelry. In this research, which was carried out using a descriptive and analytical approach and the data was collected through the library and field methods, while expressing the characteristics of Turkmen jewelry, the influence of beliefs and opinions on Turkmen jewelry was investigated with an emphasis on religious beliefs. The result of the research indicates that the various beliefs and customs of the Turkmen people show themselves more than anything else in their works, especially in their jewelry arrays. Many of these patterns are derived from their opinion and belief, which Turkmen artists implement in an abstract form in their art. In Turkman's belief, these pieces of jewelry, in addition to the decorative aspect, protect them against unknown forces.
