Human-Artifact Interactive Evaluation in Handmade Sashes of Historical Houses in Babol

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Arts and Crafts Research Department, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Mazandaran University



One of the original manifestations of the culture and customs of any region is the native arts and industries of that region. The relationship between local art artifacts and the users of specific human spaces has always been defined as a two-way and meaningful relationship. The role of traditional arts and local handicrafts has always been considered in response to natural and physical needs in the different climates and spaces of the vast land of Iran. On the one hand, this answer considers the perceptual aspect, desirability, and aesthetic view of the artifact, and on the other hand, it deals with the functional aspect and response to environmental-physical stimulus. When the selection and design of the answer are done through the channel of the artist-craftsman, the handmade is presented in the form of native art. In this way, while presenting the values, abilities, and belongings of the region and the specific climate, the native art has a function of conveying the message and concepts implicitly and openly and is shaped in the form of decorative, functional, or functional-decorative work. This research aims to investigate the role of human-artifact interaction in the production of functional-decorative handicrafts in one of the widely used areas of sash-shaped design and tries to evaluate the role of the meaningful content of this handicraft in the context of interactive relationships. The results of the research show that the indicators that refer to the formal and symbolic function of the sash are effective in determining the behavior and creating a lasting interaction on the part of the audience. The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical, and part of the case study research is carried out through the author's field research with an interdisciplinary perspective.
