The Talisman and Visual Tradition of Mazandaran People (Case study: the Image of the Evil Eye in the Religious Monuments of Mazandaran Province)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Arts and Crafts Research Department, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Mazandaran University,



The design and drawing of motifs in most traditional buildings, especially the religious buildings of Mazandaran, is remarkable in its own way. These images are often based on Iran’s mythological thought and religious thinking before and after Islam, as well as the ethnic beliefs of this region. Among the collection of pictorial works of Mazandaran religious monuments, the motif of the evil eye, which originated from peoples’ folk beliefs, is of special importance. This motif is illustrated on the wall of Takyehs. Takyehs are regarded as one of the most important rituals and religious monuments of the people of Mazandaran, and the collection of illustrations in it is considered to contain people's religious thoughts. Takyehs in this area are mainly built for the purpose of reciting prayers and mourning for Imam Hussain (AS). According to the available documents, their date goes back to the early Qajar period, but the origin of the existing images, including plant, geometric, and religious themes, goes back to the past centuries. Almost in every village of Mazandaran (especially its central part), a Takyeh has been established. Many of them have been rebuilt, but fortunately, a significant number of these buildings have remained intact. The existing images, which reflect the visual tradition of Mazandaran people, are always influenced by religious, national, and native cultural beliefs. The use and appropriate selection in the depiction and design of Takyehs’ motifs is the pictorial equivalent of those folk beliefs; hence, Takyehs are considered the most sacred ritual and religious places of the people of this region because they believe in the power hidden in these sacred spaces, which always evokes a relaxing atmosphere.
