Anthropological Frameworks and Characteristics of Folk Music of Ma-zandaran; A Suitable and Practical Solution for Archaeology

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Archaeology, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran.



Music has a special place in all elements of the life of the natives of Mazandaran and it is not an exaggeration to say that all their cultural expressions dealt with the element of music. But in order to analyze and interpret this link, which has been connected from the distant past to the present day like a chain, it is necessary to provide a documented division as "dissection". If this division is based on certain criteria, it can be helpful in identifying other cultural materials of the natives. Naturally, many cultural phenomena have disappeared due to the confrontation of other cultures (either because of the immigration of foreign tribes to this land or because of the entry of the dominant tribes in the war), but certainly, many of the remaining phenomena of today have their roots in the distant past. By presenting theoretical and practical scientific frameworks in the field of Mazandaran folk music anthropology, apart from explaining the musical life of the people of the region, this study attempted to open a way for archaeologists to reconstruct past human societies; because maybe these studies have not been paid attention to from this point of view. In order to achieve this result, the systematic artistic and aesthetic aspects of the natives’ art have been extracted and presented, and finally, the obtained result revealed that by researching and studying the evolution and the process of changing the musical culture of the region and by paying attention to the analysis of the form and content of music and even the content of the lyrics of folklore songs, the human, social, economic, and even emotional relationships of the past societies of Mazandaran natives can be reconstructed. In order to reach such information, historical and descriptive approaches have been used in a complementary way, and two field and documentary methods have been used to collect the basic information of these research approaches.
