Reading of Ilkhanid Star Tile Motifs from the Perspective of Intertextual Relationships Review

Document Type : Original Article


M.A. Art Research, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Bbolsar, Iran -



The art of tilework after the spread of Islam, especially in the Seljuk period and subsequently during the Ilkhanid period, was developed in such a way that in the Ilkhanid period, in addition to the exterior, the interior was decorated with tiles and the name of the potter and the date of construction appeared on it. In this period, the tradition governing the form of tile was star tile, and the centers of production of this type of tile can be noted as Kashan, Saveh, and Soltan Abad, among which Kashan is of particular importance because it was the main home of Iranian tile making.This study aims to investigate the themes used in tiles and their thematic classification, to identify intertextual relationships in the motifs of these tiles, and to answer the question of what intertextual relationships the decorative motifs of Ilkhanid star tiles have with their preceding texts.This research follows the descriptive-analytical approach and attempts have been made to read the contents of tiles from an intertextual perspective. The results of this study indicate that Kashan's star tile motifs have explicit and implicit relationships with their pre-existing texts from the perspective of genetic intertextuality. They have benefited from this to be closer to the people of the region and to gain legitimacy along with the interaction with the cultural identity of their time.
