History transition city and urbanism in the Iran Safavid period until the end of the PahlaviI

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, PayameNoor University , Tehran, Iran,



Urbanism Iranian in the of Safavid period were very transitions, so that the period of Shah AbbasI large cities such as Isfahan, Kashan, Qazvin, Ashraf Mazandaran hed Urban Development and European travelers were considered. Urbanism characteristics in the period, attention to the environment, creating green spaces and gardens, and the master plan of the city and large squares and introspection of urban construction. This pattern continued in the Qajar period and in addition it will also affect patterns of foreign architecture.
In the Qajar and Pahlavi were transitions in the architecture of the city. Streets, boulevards and squares of the city with new sectors will changed with new administrative structure. Typical urbanism style Tehran was replaced style Isfahan Safavid period. Urbanization model of the Pahlavi period integrated proceed with models of ancient Iran and Western model and Muslim architecture model were used lower and external pattern of urban architecture fellow model Iranian were entered Iran.
Results in this reserch show that Principles of urbanization in the Islamic Iran Not only does nothing less than an alien architecture But also if implemented correctly, urban architecture in the period of Islamic Iran can be solved too problems social and moral of society.


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