A passage on the art and architecture of the historical site of Khirbah al-Mafjar (Jericho-Palestine) based on archeological findings.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Architecture, Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Branch

2 Member of the academic staff of Bu-ali Sina University, Hamadan



As evidenced by the remains and archeological findings, Jericho is undoubtedly one of the first urban settlements in the world, which is located on the west bank of the Jordan River and the country of Palestine, in such a way that this continuity of settlement from prehistoric times is still standing. In the Islamic period, the traditions of Sasanian and Byzantine architecture continued in the Umayyad architectural style in the current northern part of this city, a complex with the modern name "Khirbat-al- Mafjar" or Hisham Palace . This is consistent with other manifestations of Islamic architecture and art, which are characterized by abstract features and some elements built on the basis of Iranian and Greek traditions.
In any case, this complex includes the main building elements such as the palace, mosque and bath, as well as other related components. Archaeological excavations in this archaeological site began in 1933 and continue in recent years. Based on this, in addition to the brief introduction of the architectural and spatial structure of this complex, this article will examine the history of archaeological excavations in it, especially the latest findings based on published reports based on the rereading and analysis of these documents.


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