Research and dating of the brick with the sphinx motif of Kahanak Sarbisheh Site - South Khorasan

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in archaeology

2 Expert in restoration of cultural works and objects, General Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of South Khorasan

3 General Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of South Khorasan



Legendary creatures are one of the motifs used in Iranian art from the distant past, which shows the beliefs and tastes of the artists of that era. One of these motifs is the sphinx, which is a combination of a human head, an animal's body, and a bird's wing, and it has been popular since the pre-Islamic period, including in reliefs and metalwork findings of the Achaemenid and Sassanid eras, and in the Islamic era as well. Various arts, especially in the art of pottery, are used with many changes. In this research, the role of the sphinx on an motif brick obtained from the fifth season of the archaeological excavation of the Kahnek area of Sarbisheh will be investigated. The purpose of the article is to introduce the site and describe the details of the brick, and to date it accurately using thermoluminescence testing. According to the surface data and the excavations, According to the surface data, this area is related to the third and fourth centuries of Islam until the Safavid era.The following article is based on the descriptive-analytical method and its data has been obtained through research and field collection and library sources and laboratory method (thermoluminescence).


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