A reflection on the geographical and physical identity of the Hamadan city in the middle Islamic centuries

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Archeology, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran.



Throughout history, Hamedan Plain has had a special place in the geography of the region in terms of the region's climate and being located on important communication routes. This area is considered one of the fertile plains of the western part of the Iranian plateau, which was formed as a result of the alluvium of Alvand mountain and is located in the geographical area of the Qarachai river basin and the eastern part of Central Zagros. The attention given to Hamedan by the Seljuk rulers has also shown its special importance in Jebal region. During this period, Hamedan plain was chosen as a political and cultural center for a while, and the evidence shows the important position of this region during the conquest of the western regions of the country by the Mongols. Examining the geographical position of this region and the spatial plan of Hamadan during the Seljuq and Ilkhanate period, the role of the Alavi family of Hamadan in the urban development and its structures, as well as the main use of Hamedan plain palaces during this period, are among the questions of this research that must be answered. the city of Hamadan had a scattered spatial structure


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