Studying Brass Tray Made by Abdol-Motaleb Isfahani in Qajar Era According to the Idea of Gerard Genette

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, ,University of Sistan and bluchestan. Zahedan. Iran.



During the Qajar era, many arts were influenced by some motifs of lithographic books. Among these arts metalwork is noticeable. The engraved metal dishes at this time were highly influenced by lithographic books such as Nameh-ye Khosravan. There is a brass tray this time signed by Abdol-Motaleb Isfahani and figures of Sassanid kings, probably influenced by Nameh-ye Khosravan, in which, there is an image of Umar ibn
al-Khattab .
The research questions address the. Textuality between the tray and the hypo-text on which this work was created and The evolution of the tray was influenced by other hypo-texts. The research aims to study the brass tray as one of the works created during the Qajar era based on the trans-textuality of Gerard Genette. To get this, a descriptive-analytical method and a qualitative approach have been adopted. The data has been gathered by using library resources. Nameh-ye Khosravan is the main hypo-text for the brass tray of Abdol-MotalebIsfahani. The textual relation between the king figures in the tray and the lithographic book is a kind of trans-textuality; However, the relation between the image of Umaribn al-Khattab and the poems in the tray is a kind of coexistence and intertextual explicit quotation.


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